
Florida state senators apologize for affair after peephole videos surface

Two Florida state senators kicked off the new legislative session on Tuesday by apologizing for having an affair.

They both hold leadership positions in the state Senate on opposite sides of the aisle.

Republican state Sen. Anitere Flores is president pro tempore of the Senate and Democratic state Sen. Oscar Braynon is Minority Leader.

Both are married with children.

Flores and Braynon issued this joint statement Tuesday morning:

"As this 2018 session of the Florida Legislature gets underway, we do not want gossip and rumors to distract from the important business of the people. That's why we are issuing this brief statement to acknowledge that our longtime friendship evolved to a level that we deeply regret. We have sought the forgiveness of our families, and also seek the forgiveness of our constituents and God. We ask everyone else to respect and provide our families the privacy that they deserve as we move past this to focus on the important work ahead."

The anonymous website, floresbraynonaffair.com, claims that the multiple peephole videos posted there show Flores spent the night at Braynon’s condo at least four times during the legislative session in late April.

“Any time you put your name for consideration for office, you have an expectation that people will be paying attention to the activities that you participate in,” said Republican state Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, of Fort Myers.

“I will not defend somebody engaging in an extramarital affair. What I will defend is that it’s a hell of a lot different than being a sexual predator, and it’s a hell of a lot different than raping somebody. It’s a hell of a lot different than committing a crime,” said Speaker of the Florida House Richard Corcoran.

The senators’ apology came the day after Jacksonville Rep. Clay Yarborough filed a Florida Guide to a Healthy Marriage bill in the state House.