
JEA's CEO is stepping down

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — JEA’s CEO Paul McElroy is stepping aside from day-to-day operations.

A transition agreement approved by the JEA Board Friday says McElroy will stay on through September- when his contract was set to end- to help with the transition, but he is resigning the day-to-day CEO role effective immediately.

Several Board members mentioned during the discussion of the transition agreement that they were not expecting to take action like this during this special meeting today, but they thanked McElroy for his service.

The Board named JEA’s Chief Financial Officer Melissa Dykes as the interim CEO, at least until their next Board meeting. The Board Chair called on all Board Members to think about what they want the search process to look like, and that will be discussed at length during the next meeting April 17th.

This comes as the City of Jacksonville looks at the potential sale and privatization of JEA.

This is a developing story that will be updated through the day.

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