Understanding my sons: How to encourage your child when he's knocked down

As a new mom, I watched my sons fall down and instinctively gasped, reaching to scoop them up and comfort their hurts. It was a completely involuntary reaction that my husband worked hard to train out of me.

"You can't do that to them," he would admonish me. "It makes them think they're hurt, so they cry, and if they do that on the playground, they'll be automatic targets for bullying."

I was a little put out at first, because I wasn’t trying to make our sons weak. I just wanted to make sure they were OK. But gradually, I developed an awareness of the important message my husband wanted to make sure they understood.

Life’s going to knock you down. You can handle it. Get up and keep going.

You’re not that hurt. Walk it off. 

translates to:

Different reactions in men, women

This is an important aspect of male emotional intelligence that Michael Gurian explores in his book, "Saving Our Sons." While emphasizing that gender differences should be looked at as a spectrum, and not as evidence for superiority or inferiority, he explains brain-based reasons for why we react differently.

  • Female Emotional Intelligence: Women tend to use what is often referred to in research as "prosocial nurturance," meaning we are naturally driven to connect with a person who is hurt by helping them feel better. We use more words, longer eye contact and more gentle touch and we're more protective of the other person's feelings.

So when my boys fell, I experienced a surge of oxytocin, which is known as the “tend and befriend” hormone. The mirror neurons in my brain activated, causing me to experience their pain, and my instinctive action was to hold them close and murmur encouraging words until they stopped crying.

  • Male Emotional Intelligence: When someone is hurt, men experience a surge of testosterone, and their mirror neurons activate, but only long enough to establish the needs of the situation. If a trip to the emergency room isn't warranted, they'll tend to move toward problem-solving and encouraging the other person back into action. Gurian refers to this as "aggression nurturance."

Aggression nurturance goes beyond how men respond to others’ pain. Mothers of sons may notice their boys’ social interactions likely involve more aggressive touch, such as body-bumping, high-fiving and wrestling as well as competition and teasing. And they explore connections through building, experimenting and exploring.

With practice, my husband and I learned to respect the strengths we both brought to the picture and how to adopt some of each other’s methods.

What we learned

  • Over time, I got control over my impulse to gasp and pushed my pause button long enough to determine whether an injury merited first aid and perhaps a few tears, or a deep breath and a "you'll be OK" attitude.
  • My husband saw the value of teaching emotional awareness and vocabulary, so when the boys were upset, he would name a feeling accompanied by its cause: "You feel ____ because ____." Then he helped them determine a strategy for calming down and problem-solving, if it was necessary.
  • As a total girly-girl, I was proud of myself for learning to wrestle with my boys as toddlers and preschoolers. When they got too big for me to do that safely (meaning, so I didn't get hurt!), I sat on a noodle in the deep end of our pool, and laughed (with the occasional gasp) while they competed to get the ball I threw to them—a melee of jumping, pushing, pulling, semi-drowning, and gleeful yelling.
  • My husband snuggled with them at bedtime, said, "I love you" every day, and had long conversations with them about things that were important to them, so they learned how to express thoughts and emotions.

Gurian emphasizes that female- and male-oriented strategies are necessary for both boys and girls to develop into adaptive adults.

We moms owe it to our sons to appreciate the strengths of the male approach and adopt parts of it for our own use. At the same time, we can watch for opportunities to teach our sons to understand and appreciate the female approach.

When we learn how to dance between this yin and yang of the human experience, we can build emotional intelligence that will help them thrive throughout childhood, into adulthood, and—someday—as parents, themselves.

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