Boy bitten by raccoon while on vacation in Amelia Island

AMELIA ISLAND, Fla. — A family trying to take a stroll on the beach encountered a raccoon that attacked an 8-year-old boy on Saturday morning.

The family said they saw the raccoon but never thought it would charge them and attack.

“And he looked me in the eye,” said 8-year-old Logan Laffy.

“I was back here and I had nowhere to go and he started climbing up to go to my foot,” said Logan.

Logan is reliving his attack that happened at the Villas at Omni Amelia Island Plantation. He and his family were going to find sharks' teeth on the beach when they ran into a raccoon that wouldn't leave them alone.

The raccoon bit Logan's foot, leaving two deep bite marks. Logan's stepmom was able to get him out of the way, while his father tried to ward off the raccoon.

“I had a beach bag in my hand so I went and started swinging at the raccoon,” said Kurt Laffy, Logan’s dad.

Logan was rushed to the hospital where he was given a set of rabies shots.

The family said the attack happened within 45 seconds, but it’s a scary memory that will be with them forever.

Animal Control caught one raccoon that may be the one that bit Logan, but the family said they aren’t certain. Logan will have to get three more rabies shots over the next two weeks

Logan’s family said those who work on the property told them snake bites have happened here, but they've never heard of a raccoon attacking before.