Disney on Ice returns to Jacksonville

Jacksonville, FL. — Disney on Ice is back! Experience the magic of Disney at the VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena.

Disney’s on Ice “Dream Big” tour features favorite Disney friends such as Mickey, Minnie, Miguel, Moana, Elsa, Belle, and Genie.

These characters are able to tell all the Disney stories through world-class figure skating.

Event Location:  VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena, 300 A. Philip Randolph Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32202

VyStar has created pod seating for family and friends to safely enjoy while social distancing from other groups.

Disney On Ice Preferred Customers can purchase advance tickets starting today, February 23rd, to get the best seats available before tickets go on-sale to the general public on March 2nd. 

Dates and Times of Performances:

Thursday         April 1              7:00pm

Friday              April 2              7:00pm

Saturday          April 3             11:00am          3:00pm            7:00pm

Sunday            April 4              1:00pm            5:00pm

Tickets start at: $20

To order tickets online: www.disneyonice.com