Truth Test: Trump Campaign Targets Biden’s Comments

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Florida — The presidential candidates are spending millions to get your attention and your vote.

The latest political ad for the Trump campaign touts a recovering economy and uses Joe Biden’s statement that he would “shut it down” against him.  

We put the claims to the truth test.

The ad begins with optimism about an economy recovering from COVID-19.

“In the race for the vaccine, the finish line is approaching.”

"Safety protocols in place, and the greatest economy the word has ever seen coming back to life. "

“The greatest economy the world has ever seen.”

The ad doesn’t offer any facts to back that up, making it subjective.

As for the 1.37 million jobs created, that’s accurate and comes from the U.S. Department of Labor.

“But joe Biden wants to change that.”

“I would shut it down.”

Saying joe Biden wants to change that is also up to interpretation, but his statement is used in context, “I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists.”

That was Biden’s response when asked if, as president, he would consider shutting the country down to stop the spread of COVID-19.

The ad goes on.

“Why would we ever allow Biden to kill countless American businesses, jobs and our economic future when President Trump’s great American comeback is now underway.”

Job and stock market experts say the U.S. economy appears to be recovering.

The quote that payrolls increased by nearly 1.4 million is accurate and from the Dept of Labor.

Unemployment in August was 8.4%, down from 10.1% the month before.

Aside from a few lines of opinion, overall the statements in this ad are mostly true.