How to avoid rip-offs on Black Friday

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There are things you should keep in mind to avoid holiday rip-offs.

Remember, not every deal is what it seems.

Northeast Florida’s Better Business Bureau President Tom Stephens said some stores may inflate prices to make it seem like you’re getting a big discount.

The BBB is also warning shoppers to be wary of ads you see on social media sites like Facebook.

“The only way to know is comparison shopping either online with other retailers that sell the same thing,” said Stephens. “Or if you're going to the mall in many cases there are stores that sell similar items in that mall.”

“Usually they're a free trial offer you can try this free for 14 days or something like that,” said Stephens.

Problem is, you may have inadvertently signed up for unlimited shipments of the product.

“Then that comes again until you cancel it so be very careful with pop up ads on social media it's a problem that we get complaints on every day,” said Stephens.

More shoppers are now using their phones to make purchases especially through apps. The BBB says some apps could be fake and out to steal your information but there’s a way to avoid being duped.

“Look for the one with the most downloads that's been around the longest,” said Stephens.

So with just a little more research you can walk away with great gifts and more money in your wallet.