Local resource to help women battling cancer at little to no cost

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Cancer impacts so many people in our community, but some local women are suffering in silence.

There’s a local resource that’s been around for decades that can help local women with breast or cervical cancer at little to no cost.

  • A local woman reveals how a chance encounter connected her to the program that saved her life.
  • Learn how you or your loved ones can qualify.

Months went by before a discovery at her restaurant job led to a life-changing decision.

Last year, Leslie Vonada feared the worst after finding a lump in her breast during a self-exam.

Vonada said, “I was scared to death with fear; it stopped me from doing anything for a little while," she said, "because first of all I did not have insurance and I didn’t know where to go.”

“I found a flyer at the end of the day when I was cleaning up that had the Early Detection Breast and Cervical Cancer Health Department number on it and I called them,” Vonada said.