City Council President Tommy Hazouri now home after lung transplant surgery

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — City Council President Tommy Hazouri is now home after undergoing surgery for a lung transplant at the Mayo Clinic, according to a statement from his office.

According to his office, Hazouri went home Tuesday and while the healing process will be long arduous, Hazouri plans to work from home through Zoom.

Hazouri initially underwent surgery on July 25. Since his surgery, Vice President Sam Newby has been named as the acting City Council President.

Tommy Hazouri came home yesterday evening after undergoing a major lung transplant surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. While the healing process will be long and arduous, City Council President Tommy Hazouri, says Zoom will soon be his friend. He wants to humbly thank everyone for their prayers!

—  Statement from the Office of Tommy Hazouri