Deadline for students to opt out of Duval HomeRoom is at midnight

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Today is the deadline for Duval families to decide if they want to continue virtual learning for the third quarter.

Duval Schools Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene told Jacksonville Morning News that the form for parents to opt their children back to brick and mortar learning is easy to access.

“Only families that students are participating in Duval HomeRoom receive the form in their parent portal. So they just need to complete the form and hit submit and we will have that information,” Greene said.

As of this morning, more than 2,200 students have opted to go back to brick and mortar learning for the third quarter. Greene said that between school starting and the second quarter, more than 10,000 students opted to go from Duval HomeRoom to in-person learning.

The deadline for families to choose to stay with virtual learning is 11:59 tonight. The district wants to get these numbers in before the new year so they can start making scheduling changes for their staff.

However, more than 25,000 students are still learning virtually through Duval HomeRoom.

“It’s very important for families to remember if you are staying on to Duval HomeRoom, that engagement, grades, attendance, all of those things are tracked. And we will be contacting families that students may be struggling and provide support or recommend that they come back to brick and mortar,” Greene said.

The district will continue to offer HomeRoom as long as the Florida Department of Education allows.