Doctor says virtual-reality headsets haven't been tested enough

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Virtual-reality headsets, among the hottest tech devices of the season, are marketed to both kids and adults.

One local doctor says not enough testing has been done to make sure those high-tech headsets are safe for your kids.

Though a popular gift request for the 2016 holiday season, experts say they don’t know enough about what the headsets can do to your health.

Joshi said having screens so close to your eyes can be harmful, especially for young children.

“What it does for your brain in the future is really unclear,” Dr. Sunil Joshi, president of the Duval County Medical Society.

“Simple hand-eye coordination ... you would expect that (headsets) would be detrimental to that potentially in the future," he said.

Joshi says some people could feel nauseous or even have seizures if using these devices for too long.

Experts say because these headsets haven’t been around for long it’s hard to tell what the long term effects will be.

“The problem with long-term issues is you just don’t know. These haven’t been around that long," he said.