Celebrate ‘Towel Day’ at Trinity Rescue Mission with towel donations and shower supplies

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jacksonville’s Trinity Rescue Mission is a homeless shelter that provides a place to stay, hot meals, showers, clean clothing, and toiletry and hygiene items to people without housing.

The mission is celebrating ‘Towel Day’ and is asking everyone to celebrate, too.

Towel day is Tuesday, May 25, but what is ‘Towel Day’? It is an annual tribute to the novel, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and its author Douglas Adam’s quote, “A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.”

It can wash away a sense of weariness and hopelessness, too,” Miller said.

Trinity Rescue Mission’s Women and Children’s Center Director Lindsay Miller said, “That first refreshing shower, after surviving days on the streets, washes away more than dirt.

To continue stocking its shower rooms, Trinity Rescue mission is asking the community to celebrate ‘Towel Day’ by donating new and gently used towels, washcloths, soap, shampoo, and lotion.

“Yes, it’s a funny holiday, but not having a place to shower and put on fresh clothing is no joke,” Miller said. “Getting clean restores your dignity and self-respect.”

Donations can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday at 622 West Union Street in Jacksonville, Florida 32202. Funds also may be donated toward shower supplies at trinityrescue.org/donate.