DCPS Dashboard does not include charter schools data


Right now, the DCPS COVID-19 dashboard does not include data from public charter schools.

A message at the top of the website reads: “Charter school data is not currently included. The district is working with charters to determine if charter school data can be included in the future.”

But the deadline for families to decide whether or not to change their child’s way of learning for the second quarter is next week, Sept. 25th.

The district on Wednesday tells Action News Jax, “We are hoping to partner with them on bringing their COVID information to our dashboard.” Adding the conversation is in progress and more specific information is expected by this time next week.

DCPS tells Action News Jax that deadline might not be the same for public charter schools. The district says, “Families that want the information from their charter (or private) school may need to contact their school or their school’s board to request the information.”

Why one parent says she needs COVID-19 data from charter schools to be added to the dashboard next on Action News Jax at 6.