Dragons invading Jacksonville’s MOSH this Summer

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Dragons invading Jacksonville this summer.

The Museum of Science and History (MOSH) is showing off its newest temporary exhibit “the Lost World of Dragons.”

Nadia Iwanyshyn and her family love coming to MOSH during the summer.

“The dragons were actually exciting because we’ve never done it,” Iwanyshyn said.

Normally they visit the dinosaurs but this year they’re getting a new treat.

Her husband Zack Iwanyshyn told me their daughter 7-year-old Madeline has a fascination with dragon folk-lore.

“She reads a lot of dragon books, we wanted to bring her down and check it out,” Zack Iwanyshyn said.

The exhibit offers kids an immersive experience to participate in from games, virtual reality and the chance to get close to these roaring creatures.

“It features dragons and stories from all over the world and all throughout time from the ancient to the more recent present day,” Alec Warren said.

Warren the education manager at mosh tells us the museum was hit hard last year by the pandemic but was able to re-open back in June of 2020.

“We were running at about 18 percent of our normal summer capacity and though we have slowly been able to bring that number up we are not yet back to 100 percent,” Warren said.

Now MOSH is hoping it’ll bring back the visitors it missed out on by introducing them to these mythical beasts.

Children 6 and up are still required to wear a mask.

MOSH tells me that’s because there’s not yet a vaccine available for children under 12 yet and they want to make sure everyone is safe

You can catch this exhibit until September. MOSH is open Thursday through Sunday.