COVID-19 Vaccine: Duval teachers union urges all staff to get vaccinated at CVS, Walmart

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — CVS and Walmart opened online appointments for all school staff members and bus drivers regardless of age.

The move was made following direction from President Joe Biden, even though Gov. Ron DeSantis’ executive order still authorizes vaccines only for people age 50 and up.

Terrie Brady, the president of Duval Teachers United, sent out an email encouraging all staff to get the vaccines at either pharmacy. Appointments must be made online.

DeSantis announced Thursday the state’s federally-supported sites, including the Gateway Mall in Brentwood, would also vaccinate school staff of all ages.

”There’s a lot of moving parts, and things are exciting,” Brady said.

It’s unclear if the state-run sites like Regency will do the same. Action News Jax reached out to the Department of Health for clarification. Brady expects the move could be coming soon. She’s been fighting to have the age restriction dropped.

“COVID doesn’t ask you if you’re 50 and older. We have a lot of teachers in Duval County and surrounding counties that have underlying conditions,” she said.

CVS and Walmart will also vaccinate bus drivers.

Duval Teachers United worked with the district to get “temp duty elsewhere” which will provide staff coverage while they leave to get the shot.

”Hopefully if everyone gets those shots, we’ll have a better turnover — substitutes will want to pick up more work because you know that’s been a tremendous problem this year.”


COVID-19 Vaccine: Duval teachers union urges all staff to get vaccinated at CVS, Walmart

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