Jacksonville nonprofit serving children receives help repairing old leaky roof

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Jacksonville nonprofit that serves children in our area says it’s finally getting an upgrade on its leaky roof after more than 20 years.

Reliant Roofing is taking part in its third annual Every Shingle Heart Initiative.

This year they are replacing the roof at one of the buildings at Daniel Kids.

“It’s been at least 20 years since the roof on this building had last been replaced,” Reliant Roofing CEO Sean Shapiro said.

“Definitely time for an upgrade or an updated roof for this building,” Director of Residential Services Rebecca Whitfield said.

"So the roof was definitely aged out. It already had some leaks on the interior, so we got to walk the property before we started, obviously, and saw that the interior had leaks.

Daniel Kids is a local nonprofit that helps children with emotional and mental health needs and provides housing just like the cottage Reliant is working on.

The roofing company said a job like this would normally cost about $25,000, but Reliant Roofing is doing it for free. On Monday, they brought about 30 people from their office to help them get the job done.

Whitfield says the cottage that is being worked on is where more than a dozen girls will live as they’re getting treatment.

“A huge part of what we want to provide is a safe, healthy living environment, and having the maintenance and the upkeep of the building can be very expensive,” she said.

Reliant Roofing says this is their way to give back to the community. Something this nonprofit says they’re grateful for so they can keep supporting children and the families they help.