Neighbors upset after trees removed from property named in lawsuit

Nassau County, Fla. — A lot has happened in the last 48 hours for neighbors in one Nassau County neighborhood.

Many are upset accusing a developer of cutting down dozens of trees near their homes.

“My neighborhood, I have to tell you, folks, they’re devastated out here, my elderly neighbors who is in their 80s, she is out here crying because they’re tearing her trees down,” said Alan Huppmann.

“Everybody was out here watching it, feeling pretty helpless,” Huppmann added.

Alan Huppmann went on Facebook live Wednesday morning as bulldozers tore down trees near his home in the Flora Parke subdivision in Nassau County.

A pile of wood and debris is all that’s left of a tree line.

Huppmann said when crews started tearing down dozens of trees he called police and county leaders. 

An inspector eventually showed up with a sign telling workers to stop.

But neighbors say crews kept working

“The biggest issue here is the status of this property, it’s a common space, it’s a wetland,” said Huppmann.

Huppmann says the property wasn’t supposed to be developed.

“I will tell you straight up, I would like the developer to be held accountable by the state and the county,” Huppmann said.

According to court records, we obtained SEDA construction filed a lawsuit against Nassau County back in April after it was denied permission to develop a small plot of land near the Flora Parke area.  

In May the county filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.  The litigation continues today.

“That’s where the fight stands right now, we have to stand together as citizens,” said Huppmann.

Huppmann says that’s why he’s speaking up.

“They’re in litigation, let the battle continue until a judge makes a decision on how this property should be handled,” said Huppmann.

The developer was given a one week stop order. Action News Jax Reporter Jamarlo Phillips also reached out to SEDA homes for reaction to the stop order and currently waiting to hear back.

Meantime, a public hearing will be held by the Nassau County Code Enforcement board on September 8th at 6:30 pm at the Governmental Complex located at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee Florida.