Gov. Mike Pence attends Jacksonville church service

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Saying he was "just here to worship" and not "electioneer", GOP VP Candidate Gov. Mike Pence prayed with and spoke to the congregation at the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville Sunday.

Senior Pastor Mac Brunson introduced the Indiana Governor and his wife Karen then invited the candidate onto the stage to talk about his faith, his personal 9/11 story and voters' duty to participate in the election.

Pence described himself as "Christian, conservative and a Republican in that order," resulting in robust applause.

"As a Governor and candidate for national office, it would not be appropriate for me to comment on an ongoing investigation," he said.

The Governor spoke briefly about Saturday's bomb explosion in New York and the discovery of other suspicious devices there and in New Jersey, as well as the stabbing attack at a Minnesota mall which ISIS is claiming was conducted by "a soldier."

But he did express gratitude that there was no loss of life and for "our brave first responders who went into harm's way."

Although he didn't address political issues Pence did say he believes all citizens have a duty to vote and noted that this weekend marks "Citizenship Sunday", a national voter registration drive.