GTM Research Reserve reopens beach access parking lot damaged by Hurricane Matthew

The Guana Tolomato Matanzas Research Reserve has reopened one of its beach access parking lots that was damaged during Hurricane Matthew.

The south beach access parking lot reopened Wednesday. It had been closed since October, leaving only 68 parking spaces available to the  public in the reserve's smallest lot.

The middle beach access parking lot is expected to reopen Saturday.

Repairs to the damaged boardwalks have been completed, making the parking lots accessible.

The lots were closed after the boardwalks at both were damaged during Hurricane Matthew.

The reserve manages the beach adjacent to the north beach, middle beach and south beach access parking lots on A1A in Ponte Vedra Beach.

The beach access parking lots are open to the public daily from 8 a.m. to sunset with a parking fee of $3 per vehicle.

GTM Research Reserve recently closed the north beach access parking lot to retrofit the north beach boardwalk for future storm preparedness.

The reopening of the two parking lots will reinstate 78 regular parking spaces and two RV spaces in the middle beach access parking lot and 94 regular parking spaces and six handicapped parking spots in the south beach access parking lot.