Humane Society of Camden County stops accepting pets for the time being

File photo of dachshund puppies.

CAMDEN COUNTY, Ga. — The Humane Society of Camden County is currently not accepting any pets at this time.

According to an update from the shelter on Facebook, canine parvovirus has entered the shelter through a stray litter of puppies.

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastrointestinal illness in puppies and young dogs. According to the American Kennel Club, this virus is potentially fatal to dogs.

Closures include the dog play yard, but adoptions and pet reclamations are still ongoing.

The shelter is currently undergoing an extensive sanitizing process and quarantine period before reopening to the public.

The Humane Society of Camden County urges people who may need assistance to seek out other shelters and humane societies.