Jacksonville councilman pushing to make runways longer at Craig Airport

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There’s a push to make the runways longer at Craig Airport in Jacksonville.

Some neighbors nearby are fighting the expansion, worried it will increase the air traffic and noise around their homes.

“I don’t think we need to disturb this neighborhood anymore with any more jets,” said Patrick Ellis, a neighbor.

He said, “Aviation technology has advanced significantly, warranting reevaluation of the impacts of a potential extension of the runways at Craig Airport.”

Councilman Matt Schellenberg said making the runways longer will make the airport safer, and it will bring in more jets, boosting the area’s economy.

“I don’t know about more jets, bigger jets coming in. We’ve got an international airport here already, don’t we?” said Ellis.

Other neighbors said the noise doesn’t bother them.

“It doesn’t bother us. A little bit more traffic isn’t going to hurt,” said Phillip McDowell.

McDowell said it’s good for neighborhood growth.

“You just got to look at it as progress,” he said.

Councilman Schellenberg said they will be discussing his resolution again in a couple of weeks.

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