JAX Chamber Board urges DCPS to change names of confederate-named schools

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The JAX Chamber Board of Directors voted unanimously on to urge the Duval County School Board to change the names of the six public schools that are currently named after Confederate soldiers.

“This is an economic development issue,” said JAX Chamber Chair Henry Brown. “We are asking companies to invest here, and for top talent to move and live here. We say that we are open to everyone and I believe that we are. But, right now, we have six school names that tell African Americans otherwise.”

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are 12 schools in Florida named for Confederate soldiers. Six of those schools are in Duval County.

“The Chamber is not taking a position on those names at this time,” the statement read.

The Chamber did not vote on the other three schools being names - Jackson High School, Jean Ribault Middle School, and Jean Ribault High School. These schools have namesakes that are tied to the marginalization of Native Americans.

“Our public schools should reflect the open, inclusive community that we are,” Brown said. “The Chamber is taking action to expand economic opportunity to everyone in our community, including creating the Lewis and White Business League and expanding the role of the JAX Chamber Foundation. Supporting the name change of these six schools is one more way for the business community to say that everyone is welcome in Jacksonville and everyone can succeed here.”