Kittens thrown from moving cars in Jacksonville, witnesses say

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Witnesses tell Action News Jax kittens are being thrown from moving cars to their deaths.

Lauren Lowery said she was taking her kids to school Tuesday morning when she saw someone holding something out of the window of a pickup truck near Roosevelt Boulevard and the I-10 on-ramp.

“Once it registered that it was kitten, I was like 'Oh my god, do I slam on my brakes?'  And I look in my rear view and I'm like 'I can't slam my brakes. There's too many cars, and the kids are with me,” Lowery said.

“By the time it registered to just hit my flashers and slow down quicker, it had already hit my windshield, and it hit right in here,” Lowery said.  “I saw [the kitten] hit the car behind me.  It hit the front end and hit the road.”

Lowery said the driver tossed the kitten out into traffic.

Lowery said the kitten didn’t make it.

Lost and Found Pets Jacksonville and North Florida posted on Facebook that prior to Lowery’s case, there had been four recent witnessed reports of this, possibly a fifth.

One woman posted a kitten was tossed from a car at University and Beach Boulevards.

The Jacksonville Humane Society can't rule out that a kitten Action News Jax told you about that was rescued from the top of the Dames Point Bridge was thrown there.

Lowery believes people aren’t just getting rid of animals.

“It's got to be something more sadistic, because no one in their right mind is just going to throw a cat out the window,” Lowery said.