Pedal boat tours coming to Jacksonville

Do you like any of these things: pedaling, boats and/or parties? Well, an opportunity to experience all of that at once is coming to Jacksonville in March.

Kraken Cycleboats is bringing its pedal boat party tour to the River City, where passengers pedal at one of 10 stations set up around the bar on a boat.

Each two-hour boat tour will start at Friendship Park on the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville. A boat fits up to 15 people.

The Florida company said passengers bring their own beverages and snacks while the boat provide cups and music.

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Weekday tours cost $35 per person and weekend tours cost $39 per person. Passengers buying individual tickets must be 21 or older.

There's a $60 discount for full boat rentals.

For weekend tours, there will be five tours per day and four tours per day during the week.

In order to get on one of these boats, you'll need to book your spot ahead of time on the Kraken Cycleboats website.

The earliest pedal boat date is March 23, according to Kraken Cycleboats.

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