Residents want deer crossing signs installed for Jetty the Mayport Buck

MAYPORT, Fla. — Mayport locals have named a buck they see around town Jetty. In fact, Jetty has his own Facebook page.

"He showed up probably about six to eight months ago," said resident Tammy King.

King said Jetty's become so well known that when he's visible, people will pull over and try to snap a few pictures of him.

People are worried that because he gets so close to the road, he could get hit.

"People are like, ‘Oh my God there's a deer out here and he's huge,'" said King.

One man posted on Facebook that he got in an accident a few weeks ago trying to avoid Jetty as he was driving along A1A heading toward the ferry.

His truck smashed into a tree.

Residents like King said they want to see signage put up in the area.

"The deer crossing sign would probably be a good idea," said King.

Others said they want to see lights added near the curves in the road.

Action News Jax reached out to Florida Department of Transportation to see if residents could get signage put up, but FDOT said there's not sufficient data to put a sign up in that area.

FDOT said if residents want lights, they have to call FDOT and talk to them about the area of concern. FDOT said a study can then be done to see if a light is needed.

While residents wait to hear if any safety measures will be put in place, they hope Jetty stays off the road so he’s not harmed.