Schools take on the heat in hot temperatures

The football player fell ill at a football camp at Camp Blanding during practice last week. His cause of death is still unknown.  He was laid to rest Tuesday in south Florida.

Sefcik recommends shorter practices, less intense drills, and minimizing equipment when not needed.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — 14-year-old William Shogran Junior may have been example of practicing in dangerous temperatures.

But, those tragedies are the reasons schools take precautions.

"Before our first practice our team doctors and parents meet with the parents and the kids and we explain hydration," said Rodgers.

Rodgers said an eight-week condition program during the summer in the heat also helps prepare.

"We've done it enough times to where we got a good idea of how to do it, and just be hopeful nothing happens," said Rodgers.

Experts said you should keep a cooler nearby just to keep players and students hydrated.