St. Johns County School Board holds emergency vote for COVID-19 protocol

ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. — The St. Johns County School District held an emergency school board meeting to vote on a COVID-19 protocol that lays out exact authority and plans relating to face masks and social distancing.

The largest part of the plan addressed the issue on if a student refused to wear a mask. The district decided that if a student failed to wear a mask or face covering when required to do on more than three different occasions, the Superintendent will reassign that student to a distance learning program. It is recommended for the principal and the parents have a phone conference to discuss an issue of the student refusing to wear a face mask. If no agreement can be met, or if the student continues to refuse wearing a mask, the principal will forward the case to the Superintendent.

If the Superintendent decides that the student needs to be reassign to distance-learning, that decision will be final and will not be subject to an appeal.

Face Coverings would also be required by everyone while in school or on the buses. The exceptions will be lifted for those who can present school officials with a certification form a health care provider that the person has a medical condition that prevents them from being able to safely wear a face covering. Face coverings will also be exempted by anyone 2-years-old or younger. The other exceptions include during meal times, engaging in strenuous activity, and performing in musical, choral or theatrical rehearsals/performances.

According to the plan, the purpose of reassignment should not be disciplinary, but rather be in the interest of the health and safety of the other students, teachers, staff, and volunteers.

With this emergency protocol, the Superintendent is given the power to authorize other protective measures as deems fit in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of students, teachers, staff, volunteers, vendors, visitors, and the community at large.

The protocol was passed unanimously.

Schools in St. Johns County start Monday, August 31.