Three people and dog escape early morning Jax Beach fire

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. — Right now investigators are trying to figure out what caused an early morning fire that destroyed a Jacksonville Beach home.

Firefighters responded to the fire at the intersection of 12th Avenue and 9th Street around 3 a.m. Saturday.

Cell phone video captured by a neighbor shows huge flames and heavy smoke pouring out of the home.

Frank Matkovic watched as his neighbor’s house went up in flames. “I knew that house was in big trouble,” he told Action News Jax.

Investigators say the three people inside and dog made it out safely.

His wife Terri says the fire woke her up. “I heard a noise and I couldn’t tell if it was one or two booms. The whole house was engulfed. It was a pretty big fire,” Terri Matkovic says.

Firefighters say the fire started somewhere in the back of the home, where most of the damage is. They say the home is a total loss.

Investigators say the three people and dog inside were able to get out safely because one of the residents heard a popping sound.

According to firefighters, there were no working smoke detectors in the home.

“They are very lucky she woke up to noise, and a police officer was driving by about the same time they woke up, and everything worked out," says Fire Marshal Steve Sciotto. "It could’ve definitely been a worse outcome,” he added.

Tenant Alex Balosie agrees. “All of the other stuff is replaceable,” he says.