Woman claims Jacksonville hospital trashed her diamond earrings

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A local mom said a Jacksonville hospital threw out her diamond earrings from her late husband while she went in for a CT scan.

This report comes days after Action News Jax told you another story of a patient at St. Vincent's Hospital claimed her personal belongings were discarded while under anesthesia.

Terri Hubner said her heart aches because she believes the earrings from her late husband and dead great grandmother were thrown out by staff at St. Vincent’s Southside Hospital.

Hubner said her hospital nurse apologized for losing her precious jewelry.

“How many times can your heart be broken?” said Terri Hubner.

“He said, ‘Mrs. Hubner, I’m sorry, but it looks like your earrings have been thrown away.’ I said what?” said Hubner.

Hubner told us she had a stroke and doctors wanted to do a C-T scan, but her earrings needed to be removed.

She said a medical staff member held out her hand, “she said I need your earrings, so I took them off and put them in her hand.”

Action News Jax emailed and called the hospital, but staff told us because it’s Good Friday they aren’t able to provide us with a response immediately. Once they give us a statement, we’ll update the story to include it onto the website.

Hubner told us her earring were put in a medical vomit bag and instead of getting back to her it was thrown out with other bio hazard material.

Her husband died 18 months after their daughter was born in 1995. This mom planned on giving her daughter these diamond earrings on her wedding day.

“It was something that I was going to pass to my daughter that my husband picked out. Something that he actually touched – and now it’s gone,” said Hubner.

Hubner explained St. Vincent’s Hospital had her file a form to be reviewed by a committee about the incident and the worth of this jewelry. From there, she said the hospital will decide whether she’ll be compensated for the value of the earrings.