2017 – A year of photos at the U.S. Capitol

After a rather tumultuous year of news in Washington, D.C., Jamie Dupree is off this week. But he left behind some of his favorite pictures of one of his favorite places in the world – the U.S. Capitol.

Looking through the photographs that I took in 2017, there was one thing that stuck out more than pictures of members of Congress – and that was the number of photos that I took of the U.S. Capitol, which has hosted the sessions of the U.S. House and Senate since November of 1800.

The Capitol is a glorious building, sitting high up on what was originally called Jenkins Hill (though there is a story behind that name), now known as Capitol Hill.

We’ll start on January 1, 2017:

Almost every day when I arrive for work at the Capitol, I snap a few pictures – here is some of what I saw outside this past year.



One thing I tried this year was the reflection shot of the Capitol, off of the glass of cars and SUV’s parked outside the Capitol. But that got me the evil eye from the U.S. Capitol Police, who weren’t sure what I was up to.

So, I went back to the basics.