Study: If spiders worked together, they could eat all humans in a year

This study with shocking results found that if all the spiders in the world organized, they could eat us all in just 12 months.

The study was published by The Washington Post, and the results are set to give everyone nightmares and arachnophobia.

Spiders eat mostly bugs, but some of the larger species can eat lizards, birds and small mammals.

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In the report, experts say if you add up all the weight of all the food spiders consume, it adds up the the weight of every human on the planet.

Spiders all across the globe consume somewhere between 440.9 million and 881.8 million tons of food a year. The estimated weight of all the humans on earth is about 316.3 million tons, according to the study.

Even if you tag on another 77 million or so tons to account for the weight of children, it is still not equal to the amount spiders can consume in a year.

Another interesting point in the study - If you gathered up all the spiders on the planet and placed them on a scale, together they'd weigh about 25 million tons -- the equivalent to 478 Titanics.