WATCH: Thousands of sea turtles rescued after Hurricane Irma, released back into wild

A sea turtle hatchling is pictured here. A Florida rescue center just released thousands of rescued baby sea turtles back into the wild after Hurricane Irma blew them ashore last week.

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Thousands of baby sea turtles washed ashore along Florida's coastline after Hurricane Irma pounded the state last week.

The hatchlings were rescued and collected by South Florida residents, turtle rehabilitation programs and other groups. On Friday, more than 2,500 rescued turtles were released by Boca Raton's Gumbo Limbo Nature Center.

All 2500-plus sea turtles returned to the "weed line" that provides their habitat for the first few years of their lives,” the nature center wrote on Facebook.

Florda Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials drove the state collecting rescued sea turtles from Palm Beach, Brevard, Broward counties and others, according to Gumbo Limbo.

The turtles were brought to Gumbo Limbo, then released by the staff in Boca Raton. They captured part of the release on video, which they shared on the center's Facebook page.

"Gumbo Limbo Nature Center is proud to have been a part of this massive effort to return the sea turtles affected by Hurricane Irma to the sea."