Willie Nelson has some fun with ‘Still Not Dead' song

Country singer Willie Nelson turns 84 on Saturday.

Country singer Willie Nelson is getting the last laugh on those death hoaxes that have been prevalent on the internet. It's true, Nelson turned 84 on Saturday, but the legendary singer is still alive and kicking.

Nelson decided to make fun of the rumor-mongers in a new song off his upcoming album, 
"God's Problem Child." The song, titled "Still Not Dead," is Nelson at his wry best as he jabs away at those outlets that spread misinformation, Country Rebel reported.

                                                              The gardener did not find me that way.                                                                                                      Can't believe a word that people say.

Nelson co-wrote the song, which is cleverly written. For instance, he sings that

"I woke up still not dead today.

                                                              And I woke up still not dead today."

To promote "God's Problem Child," Nelson has been releasing music videos for some of the tracks on the album, Country Rebel reported. He got more creative for "Still Not Dead," which was released on Thursday.

In the video, Nelson dances around the room, drinks a cup of coffee, jumps, and wears the Christmas sweater given to him by Snoop Dogg.

Nelson is having a great time -- and he’s still not dead.