Ways to remain resilient while working from home

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Working from home during the pandemic can be tough. In fact, new studies show some people are getting burnt out from it.

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Dr. Kimberly Atkins, of Mind Renewals in Memphis, Tennessee, spoke on how people can thrive at home.

Whether it’s been just a couple of weeks or a couple of months, mental health experts say working at home can take its toll.

Atkins said when working from home, people have to juggle home life and work in the same place which they might not be used to, but there can be a balance.

“What I am seeing is, people are experiencing anxieties," Atkins told WHBQ. "When will I return back from work? How long will I be working from home, and if we do return to work, how will we be practicing social distancing?”

A recently released survey from Monster.com revealed more than half the people surveyed, working from home say they’re experiencing burn out.

In between juggling video conference meetings and changing how work gets done and possibly parenting Atkins said it’s no wonder people are feeling exhausted.

To create a better work environment from home Atkins recommended setting boundaries and discussing them with family members or roommates.

“(Explain) you are working. (Ask them to) keep the noise down, turn down the TV, don’t work the microwave," Atkins told WHBQ. “Those types of things you have to express early on and be in constant reminder. Maybe even let your smaller ones know, ‘We are working, don’t enter into the room.'"

Once you’ve created structure in the home, Atkins said to be kind to yourself and tell people when you’re facing challenges while working.

She said usually you'll find that coworkers and customers are pretty understanding.

Be grateful you are working. Let gratitude rule over some of those anxieties and unanswered questions you have at the moment,” Atkins said. "Another thing, have a social support. Talk to someone, talk to a therapist and let them know some of your anxieties. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions to supervisors, managers and even co-workers.”

Atkins pointed out that getting into a routine will help. Try ditching the sweatpants and leisurewear. That can help family members understand you need space and time to work and then change clothes when it’s time to relax.