Tripp Halstead, toddler seriously injured when tree limb fell on him 5 years ago, has died

Tripp Halstead

Tripp Halstead, who was seriously injured more than five years ago when a tree branch fell on him, causing brain damage, passed away on Thursday.

Halstead’s father confirmed his passing to Channel 2's Justin Wilfon.

On Oct. 29, 2012, Stacy Halstead got a call no mother should ever have to receive: A tree limb had fallen on her 2-year-old son Tripp's head during a freak accident at his daycare.

As the blue-eyed toddler fought for months to survive, people all over the country started to follow along and root for his recovery.

For the Halstead family, life changed in an instant.

Just a few months ago, Channel 2's Wendy Corona talked with the Halstead family on the 5-year anniversary of Tripp's accident.