Buresh Blog: April Averages... Saving Water

Jacksonville, FL — After a wet March with big temp. fluctuations including a mid month freeze but above avg. overall, it’s time to turn the calendar to April:

So we’re moving into the time of year when rainfall can range widely. Despite a wet March, NE Fl./SE Ga. can dry out quickly through spring as days grow longer, temps. turn hotter, fronts are weaker & rain often becomes less frequent & less widespread (before the “wet season” of June/July/Aug./Sept.):

We encourage you to look for ways to cut back on the amount of water you use, in and around your home or business. Conservation of this precious resource can help you save on your utility bill today, and make a big difference for future generations of Northeast Florida residents.

From JEA:

JEA works year-round to ensure you have reliable, quality water for all your life needs. But over the next weeks and months, as more customers use more water and springtime heat returns with drier conditions, it’s important to conserve as much as possible.

Here are just a few ideas:

  • Identify and repair leaks. Sign up to receive an email, text message or phone call when a potential leak is detected in your home or irrigation system.*
  • Use efficient, low-flow shower heads and toilets. They can significantly cut down on the water you consume.
  • Irrigate smart. Follow these tips to maintain a healthy lawn and save water and money.
  • Follow your watering days and water during off-peak hours whenever possible, from midnight to 4 a.m.
  • Avoid watering during the day, when evaporation and runoff can waste up to 50 percent of water used for irrigation.
  • If your irrigation system is equipped with rain sensors, make sure they are in good working order to avoid unnecessary watering during rainy days.
  • The UF/IFAS Extension EDIS publication Watering Your Florida Lawn is a great online resource with best practices for watering Florida lawns.
  • Even reclaimed water can be subject to low pressures, so it’s important to conserve no matter where your water comes from.
  • Schedule a free on-site Irrigation Assessment at your home or business. Our efficiency experts will check your water meter, inspect sprinkler rotors and sprayer heads, and offer recommendations to help you limit your water use. Call (904) 665-6000 (residential) or (904) 665-6250 (business) to schedule an assessment today.