Buresh Blog: Stormy Year for Jacksonville... Avg. Autumn Lows... Jags Weather...NFL Football Weather

U.S. 100 degree summer days

Jacksonville, FL — The tropics are active as we would expect during September. “Talking the Tropics With Mike” updated everyday through Nov. 30th.

While we’re in the stretch run of our “wet season” (June through Sept.), the year as a whole has been pretty stormy. Jacksonville has already hit the avg. number of t’storm days for Sept. For the year, Jacksonville is 21 days ahead through Sept. 15th with the record of 111 t’storm days in 2018 within reach.

The tally for 100 degree days from June-Aug. is in & shows just about right at avg. for Jacksonville (1 day/June 23rd) while Texas & Oklahoma had an above avg. number of days 100+ but below avg. for a good part of the Southwest U.S.:

Tim Robinson snapped these awesome pics as storms moved offshore of Jacksonville Beach:

If you’re tired of the heat & humidity, autumn is not far away!

The NFL football season is underway! Avg. temps. for each Jags home game are below + some weather stats for NFL cities (according to the Action Network):