Talking the Tropics With Mike: Hurricane Lane turning NW toward Hawaii

Pacific remains active...

Aug. 21, 2018 — The "Buresh Bottom Line": Always be prepared!.....First Alert Hurricane Survival Guide... City of Jacksonville Preparedness Guide... Georgia Hurricane Guide.

Watch "Surviving the Storm".....

The Atlantic Basin remains quiet overall.  In fact, there's an overall lack of much cloud cover until the far Eastern Atlantic.  Dry air in the mid & upper levels is widespread.  The week looks quiet over the Atlantic but quite the opposite over the Pacific - see bottom.

The Atlantic Basin....

Mid & upper level wind shear (enemy of tropical cyclones) analysis (CIMMS). The red lines indicate strong shear......


Gulf of Mexico:

Water vapor imagery (dark blue indicates dry air):



Deep oceanic heat content continues to increase over the Caribbean & Gulf of Mexico as one would expect now that we're in August.....

Sea surface temp. anomalies are below avg. across much of the middle & Eastern Atlantic ....

SE U.S. surface map:

Surface analysis centered on the tropical Atlantic:

Surface analysis of the Gulf:


In the E. Pacific..... Hurricane "Lane" is a powerful hurricane southeast of the Hawaiian Islands. Track trends continue to shift northward as a trough of low pressure develops west & northwest of Hawaii.  So all the islands will need to stay up to date on the latest forecasts as Lane impacts could occur as early as Thu.

Meanwhile.... the West Pacific is active as well.  Typhoon "Cimaron" will move over Japan by Thu. while typhoon "Soulik" move near & over S. Korea by Wed./Thu.

