Florida governor responds to outburst at Starbucks

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Florida Gov. Rick Scott responds to an outburst at a Gainesville Starbucks.

A video that was shot on Tuesday shows a woman who called out Scott.

“You don't care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here,” said Cara Jennings.

Scott responded in the video by saying he has created one million jobs.

Jennings is a former Lake Worth city commissioner. She scolded the governor for refusing to expand Medicaid.

The Governor’s Office sent a response Wednesday:

“People with radical views tend to not like civil debate. A self-proclaimed anarchist rudely yelled and cursed at the Governor. She also refused to Pledge Allegiance to the flag. It’s a free country, but it’s not at all surprising that an anarchist prefers shouting over conversation.”

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