Lake City Krystal worker accused of attacking boss speaks out about arrest

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An angry worker arrested after tearing up a Lake City Krystal hamburger restaurant is firing back against the allegations.

Lake City police said former Krystal employee Russell Gomez threw frozen hamburger patties at his boss, and when she tried to get away, he followed her, knocking over equipment and pouring cooking oil on the floor.

Police said Gomez was mad about getting written up for being late.

Gomez denies throwing the burgers at his boss and said he’s still recovering from the beating he got in the parking lot.

Gomez said he was angry because his boss made racially offensive comments about him.

“I turned the breakers off to the store. I drained all the grease,” said Gomez. “And then four or five people approached my car and got in front of my car, so I got out and the man splashed his drink in my face. So I punched him in the face and all five of them attacked me.”

Krystal customer Sean Smith said he put Gomez in a choke hold after Gomez nearly hit him with his car and spit in his face.

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“He was making threats and this, that and the other. He got a little more than what he could take,” said Smith.

Gomez admits he ran from police.

“Yes, I did run because I was scared. Because the police were taking their side,” said Gomez.

It was his 12th arrest in Columbia County in the past 10 years.

“Most of them are for like possession of marijuana and just driving. Nothing serious. It’s really nothing serious. I’ve been on the right path for a long time now,” said Gomez.

Gomez said he’s a college student working hard to get his life back on track.

“I have nothing to hide. I’d like the videotapes to be shown because I do plan on suing the restaurant once I beat this,” said Gomez.

A Lake City police spokesman said surveillance video for Krystal restaurants is stored off-site, but the recording is now on its way to Lake City.