Buresh Blog: Travel Weather, Thanksgiving Weather, Avg. First Frost... 80-Degrees..Urban Heat Island

Jacksonville, FL — Last week of the Atlantic hurricane season! “Talking the Tropics With Mike” updated daily through Nov. 30th.

Travel time! Happy Thanksgiving!! Airport updates * here *.... highway updates * here *. Safe travel!.....

Jacksonville hit 80 degrees once so far in Nov. - on the 18th - making it the 70th(!) month in a row with at least one 80 degree day.

Weather on Thanksgiving in Jacksonville the last 20 years:

It’s time to start thinking about the our winter weather. Avg. first freeze at JIA is Dec. 6th (see “Buresh Blog”: Avg. First Freeze).... but the avg. date of the first frost (36 degrees or lower) is a couple of weeks before:

Speaking of the heat.... NOAA is starting a new program & looking for applicants for an urban heat island initiative - click * here *.

The campaigns involving community members and scientists will work to map the hottest areas of their communities to learn where action is needed to protect vulnerable populations now and in the future.

The mapping campaigns are run by a participating city’s local citizen science organizations, and rely on volunteers to travel around the city using sensors attached to cars to collect data on temperature, humidity, time and GPS location. The resulting maps provide a detailed analysis of the distribution of heat in the morning, afternoon and evening. These public campaigns raise awareness of the growing health issue of urban heat islands (UHI), and inform interventions to address extreme heat such as tree planting, smart surfaces, and incorporation into climate action plans.