
Former dentist accused of hurting kids nearly hits Action News photojournalist with car

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Former dentist Howard S. Schneider is facing a medical malpractice lawsuit from dozens of parents, who say he deliberately harmed their children.

Action News' Katie McKee tried to speak to Schneider Saturday about 58 notices of intent to sue that he was served with Friday, as well as accusations he nearly hit a process server with his car as the notices were served.

An Action News photojournalist was recording the exchange between McKee and Schneider when Schneider's car started toward the photojournalist.

McKee and the Action News photojournalist were on public property when Schneider not only refused to comment but revved his engine, drove over the curb and on to the sidewalk toward the photojournalist. Schneider told us to contact his attorney, who we have not yet heard from.

We showed the video to attorney John Phillips, who represents dozens of parents who say Schneider hurt their children. Phillips said Schneider revved his car Friday at the process server before throwing the papers down in his driveway.

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Phillips gave us pictures he said are from the Friday confrontation. The whole thing was caught on camera, but Phillips said it still needs to be reviewed by police.

“This the third time in three days that he has used his vehicle as a weapon,” Phillips said.

Phillips said that Schneider also revved his car at a national news outlet that showed up at his home. He said seeing this footage is alarming.

“My first instinct is, well, what happened to these poor kids when they didn't comply with him, is that the issue, that he is an old man with a terrible temper that will do anything to force you in compliance?” Phillips said.

Action News first told you about the complaints against Schneider back in April. Brandi Motley was one of the first parents to come forward, saying her 6-year-old daughter Briel received multiple injuries to her face and neck during an appointment.

Since then, hundreds of parents that sent their children to Schneider have also spoken up about allegations of abuse. Motely is one of the many being represented by Phillips in this case, and said she is happy that it is moving forward.

“I just wish it would have happened sooner, so it wouldn't have affected so many kids lives,” Motley said.

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Many parents told Action News they continued to take their children to Schneider because he was one of the few local dentists who accepted Medicaid.

Motley said she is now paying for Briel to see an orthodontist.

“It’s hard, it’s really hard paying out of pocket but we are getting there. They’re helping us, they are working with us because they know the situation,” Motley said.

Motley tells me that the Briel’s orthodontist sees her twice a week. They are trying to build a relationship with her so that she is able to trust them and allow them to eventually work on her teeth.

As we first reported April, the Florida Attorney General's office confirmed to us it is investigating Schneider for Medicaid fraud.