
Clark Howard: Self publisher

None — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Are you an author? Is there a novel inside you somewhere? Well it used to be that if you were a writer or frustrated writer, and you wrote a manuscript, figuring out how to get it published, well it was just a big pain.

A lot of people got ripped off trying to get their books published by what were known as Vanity Publishers.

But technology has changed everything. Today any of us can become an author, can get published,  and even people that are very successful and very well known as authors or just in public life are now self publishing.

Since so many books people buy now are electronic, it's super easy and costs almost nothing for you to be published as an electronic author.

Even better there are new technologies where you don't have to print a lot of books. If somebody actually wants a paper copy of a book, they can buy them on demand one at a time.

The risk to you, much lower, the profit to you, much higher. I have a guide in how you can self publish that novel you've written at

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