
Jacksonville apartment complex has 55 active cases with city code enforcement

A Jacksonville apartment complex has been cited dozens of times in just the past month.

And there is also a list of complaints that the city is dealing with from Camelot Gardens Apartments.

There are 55 active cases with city code enforcement with complaints and citations.

“I’m not surprised because of the simple fact that we have daily issues,” said tenant Tierra Byrd.

Byrd said she’s one of the tenants who has been dealing with issues.

Action News Jax first told you back in May about her plumbing problems and then on Wednesday when sewage backed into her apartment again.

“I’m on pins and needles right now trying to figure out what else action I need to take for the plumbing to be corrected,” Byrd said.

The complaints range from mold to water leaks and the complex was cited for structural issues and minimum housing standard issues, which means unsafe or unsanitary conditions were found.

A tenant walked Action News Jax around the complex and showed different concerns.

One of them was a manhole with a cover that can be easily removed.

And it’s just feet away from a playground.

“It’s very concerning. I have a small child just like there are many children who run around here and play. It’s unsafe,” Byrd said.

Action News Jax sent the city pictures of the manhole covering after hours and tried reaching out to management, but didn’t get a response.

A maintenance man told Action News Jax off camera that he put a request in to the city to get a bolted cover for it.

A tenant, who wanted to remain anonymous in fear of retaliation from management, said that this property is only getting worse.

“As someone who loves kids and animals, you don’t want to see the amount of neglect that goes on here,” a woman said.

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