
Medical examiner: Putnam 4-year-old was victim of strangulation

PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. — The medical examiner's office determined Wednesday the cause of death of a 4-year-old Putnam County boy was strangulation and he was the victim of a homicide.

An 11-year-old boy is charged with aggravated battery in this case, but that could change. Investigators say the child suspect admitted to choking the 4-year-old.

The incident that happened inside a mobile home community has multiple agencies, including the Florida Department of Children and Families, investigating how an 11-year-old could have killed another child.

The 11-year-old is in custody at a juvenile detention facility in Gainesville.

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Investigators say charges could now be upgraded because the autopsy ruled the child's death a homicide. Action News spoke with Denise Murzullo, with Mental Health America, to learn how a child could be driven to kill.

"The signs are there of a possible — what's called conscious conduct disorder, which is the child version of anti-social personality disorder," Murzullo said.

Murzullo first looked at the child's violent history. The arrest report says the 11-year-old would dig up dead animals, mutilate them and carry them around as if they were alive. He also tried to set his crib on fire when he was 3 or 4 years old.

"Their conscience just doesn't develop in the same way that ours does," Murzullo said.

Mullazo said conduct disorder can develop after the child experiences trauma. In the 11-year-old's case, the arrest report says he experienced sexually deviant behavior both as a suspect and victim.

DCF is also conducting an investigation into the death of the 4-year-old.

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