
New science textbooks approved in Clay County despite debate over Evolution

Some Clay County parents are outraged by new science textbooks they say would teach evolution as a settled fact and exclude other theories.
Despite heavy criticism by a host of speakers during public comment, the Clay County School Board approved the K-12 science textbooks by a 3-2 margin.
The books were chosen by educators last year.
Superintendent Addison Davis said they meet Florida Department of Education guidelines.
Many parents spoke out against the decision at Thursday evening’s meeting, saying there should be a more balanced approach to teaching evolution.
Some said evolution has flaws, and they should be acknowledged in the classroom. Others said their children should have the opportunity to learn about other theories.
“We’re not asking to preach religious tenants,” said one man. “We’re asking not to teach the blind faith like evolutionists have done for so long.”
 Davis said his job is to implement state standards; aside from personal beliefs.
He said the district was already teaching evolution as a scientific theory, not as fact.
“In no way, shape or form do our textbooks or will our textbooks ever reflect evolution as a fact because our state standards don’t allow us to do so,” said Davis.

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PARENTS: Should evolution be taught in schools? The Clay County School Board approved the theory to be implemented in their science classes. Some parents are outraged. Details: http://bit.ly/2GEv9n8

Posted by Action News Jax on Friday, February 2, 2018
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