
Puppies found abandoned on I-10 looking for forever homes

CLAY COUNTY, Fla. — Two puppies that were found abandoned along Interstate 10 are looking for forever homes.

A woman who works at Clay County Humane Society drove by and spotted the pups on July 22.

Someone abandoned Dodger, Scout and another dog with only a coffee can full of water. The third dog was hit by a car.

“There are just evil, mean people and I don’t understand why people don’t take advantage of all of the resources that we do have within the city,” said Dodger’s foster mom, Anastasia Regas.

Dodger was in the roughest shape. Just a month ago, he was almost dead from parasites.

Clay County Humane gave him a blood transfusion. He had mange and skin infections. Now he’s a healthy, happy dog.

“In just 30 days, he’s turned from hairless, crusty, gross puppy hanging onto life into a beautiful, well-adjusted puppy that’s loving life,” said Regas.

Despite how Dodger’s previous owner treated him, Regas said he’s a loving, friendly dog.

“Dogs are really forgiving animals and incredibly resilient, and obviously he was a little survivor,” she said.

Now Dodger needs a new home. “I would like to keep him, but if I keep him I can’t keep helping and fostering other animals,” said Regas.

Scout’s coat has also grown back and he’s back to a healthy weight.

He’s living in a foster home right now and is looking for a forever home.

If you’re interested in adopting Dodger or Scout, you can call Clay Humane at 904-276-7729.