
Muschamp Monday

Embattled Florida head football coach Will Muscham met the media Monday to preview this Saturday’s game with Georgia at Everbank (CBS47, 3:30pm).

Muschamp talked about his job security, a major story line with this years football game.

He has yet to beat Georgia in three tries and in fact has never had a victory in the series, losing all five of his games to Florida while playing for the Bulldogs.

“It’s tough to go home and explain to your 9 year old why fans are chanting to fire your dad,” said Muschamp.

He also added, “As a football coach, it’s a bunker is what it is."

On his offense Muschamp said Jeff Driskel missed most of last week with a sore back, of course true freshman Treon Harris already named the starter.

He said he left camp “very comfortable with the passing game,” obviously that hasn’t panned out. Muschamp says the “quarterback and wide receivers have not played up to their taent levels.”

As far as Saturdays game, Muschamp said “first and foremost we need to get a win, it’s important to the University of Florida so it’s important to me.”

Watch our pregame primetime special, 'Countdown to Kickoff' on CBs47 Action Sports at 9 p.m. Friday.

You can catch the game at 3:30 p.m. on CBS47 and 'Battle at the Border,' a postgame special at 7 p.m.

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