
Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect have ties to Jacksonville area

Jacksonville, FL — Public records show James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of the Michigan school shooting suspect, lived in Jacksonville Beach and Atlantic Beach from the 1990′s through 2008.

Court records show both were arrested on DUI charges in 2005.

Their son, 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley, faces criminal charges after police say he opened fire on his classmates at Oxford High School in Michigan on Tuesday.

Investigators revealed that James Crumbley purchased the weapon used in the shooting on Nov. 26, four days before the shooting that killed four students and injured seven others.

[RELATED: Superintendent: Discipline not needed for teen before Michigan school shooting]

Now, prosecutors are considering bringing charges against Ethan’s parents.

Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald said, “The shooter’s going to be held accountable. And the people who bought and improperly stored and weren’t responsible with that weapon have to be held accountable.”

Investigators also want to know what the Crumbleys knew before the school shooting.

They say the teen talked about it in his journal and on two cell phone videos he recorded the day before.

[RELATED: Michigan teen charged in Oxford High School shooting]

Prosecutors say two teachers separately reported concerning behavior from the sophomore starting the day before the shooting.

On Friday afternoon, it was announced that prosecutors have charged James and Jennifer Crumbley with four counts each of involuntary manslaughter.

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