Buresh Blog

Buresh Blog: The Players Weather... Bird Migrations & Light

Jacksonville, FL. — The “Buresh Blog” will take a week off then will be updated again the week of March 20th.....

It’s March & time for “The Players”. From 2007-2018 the tournament was held in May but was in March from 1974 - 2006 & again beginning in 2019. While the temps. are typically much warmer in May, it’s also usually drier. And the longer hours of daylight allow for some wiggle room when it comes to any weather delays. Last year - 2022 - was arguably one of the worst weeks of weather in the history of The Players including nearly 5″ of rain, multiple delays/cancellations, an early morning frost & only the 8th Mon. finish since 1974 but the first since 2005. There were no Mon. finishes when The Players was held in May. The cooler temps. can play a role in how far a golf ball travels - a 40 degree temp. drop can decrease the distance traveled in the air by about 8 yards (see image #2 below).

It’s the time of year for spring bird migrations. 70% of North American bird species migrate often making the majority of their journey at night. Light pollution can get in the way. For more info.: Duval Audubon Society & St. Johns Co. Audubon Society & Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens.

Duval Audubon:

  • Turn off interior lights (or draw blinds) from 11 pm–5 am during spring and fall migration
  • Switch outdoor floodlights to timed lights or motion sensor lights
  • Direct outdoor lights to point downward, instead of upward into the sky
  • Encourage businesses to turn off lights or reduce the amount of time their lights are on at night
  • Share this information with family and friends. #LightsOutForBirds
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